Facilitation, Coaching, Training
Discover Your Personal Genius and Move Forward Confidently
Ready to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals?
Contact us today to get unstuck, tap into your personal genius, and confidently move forward with Golden Lasso at your side. Holly Simmons provides leadership coaching, facilitation, and training to growth-minded family businesses and entrepreneurs.
Holly is a Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA™), a Licensed Associate of TotalLeader® Solutions, is an independent Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker with Maxwell Leadership, and is a Maxwell DISC Certified Consultant. Over her 25+ year career, Holly has worked in numerous sectors including manufacturing, industrial services, construction, software development, and luxury goods & services.
Utilizing a strategic approach, Holly aims to align values and purpose, develop people and roles, and strengthen communication throughout the business and family systems helping you create the legacy you’ve envisioned.

Effective business meetings don’t just happen, they are designed. Designed to maximize the knowledge in the room while respecting people’s most valuable asset, their time.
Facilitated meetings free you up to fully participate. It shifts the responsibility of managing the agenda, flow, engagement, and process to the Golden Lasso facilitator.
Great meetings have purpose, defined outcomes, accountability and clear next steps. Powerful meetings create space for team members to share, problem-solve and debate. The goal? Allow teams and leaders to make informed decisions based on the diverse perspectives of the whole.
A consistent opportunity to be fully heard allowing you to articulate ideas, find new approaches, gain clarity, increase self-awareness, and know what to do next.
A Thinking Partner alliance is principally about change. It develops your emotional intelligence, conscious awareness, and the capacity to move from thought to action. From reactive to responsive. From exhausted to energized. From doubt to confidence.
As a Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA™) Holly has a deep understanding of business and the complexities of working with family.

Ground and align knowledge within your organization. Golden Lasso training programs develop common language, expand thinking, teach valuable skills, and help team members translate learning into action.
Gold Lasso training programs are intentionally designed to be interactive and engaging to improve learning outcomes and retention.
Training programs can be tailored to your unique needs, delivered in person or online. Learning objectives are clearly defined prior to training and impact measured post workshop.