Family Business Thinking Partner
As a Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA™), I provide coaching, facilitation, and educational services to family businesses that want to grow. Where family members want to get along so they can pursue the vision of the business. Where leaders want to up their game so they can handle the complexities of succession and business transition.
Following a proven model -- centered on the human side of business -- you, your business, and your family will be guided through a transformation.
Communication becomes clear, trust increases, energy goes up, momentum kicks in, results happen.
I'm an independent professional backed by a strong team of expert associates and strategic partners, bringing in the right people at the right time.
Do you need a Thinking Partner?
Take the 2-minute evaluation
Every individual has unique goals for their life, career, family and for their wealth. That means your growth plan should be as unique as you are.
Answer the following questions to determine if you are receiving the necessary support to live your best life. If you’re not sure of any answers, or don’t like where you land, please reach out to book a free 30-minute introductory coaching session.
You have a trusted person to bounce ideas off of who believes in your potential and fully listens to you.
You have clarity on your short and long term personal and professional goals.
You break through the barriers of your fears in pursuit of maximizing your potential.
You know your core values and strive to live them daily.
In complex situations, you are able to separate feelings from facts, regulate your energy, and look at things from different perspectives in an effort to solve problems.
You know what you need to do to develop your leadership and you take consistent action.
You regularly establish and communicate healthy boundaries with your loved ones and respect theirs.
Your strengths are seen and valued by the people around you.
You lead with open-ended questions to check your thinking.
You trust your team to think for themselves.
You foster buy-in from the team on initiatives you lead.
You maintain a sense of curiosity rather than jumping to solutions or conclusions.
You know that to change others, you first must change yourself.
If you answered "No" to 5 or more, it's time for a Thinking Partner.